Welcome to the Seabreeze Guest House!
Relax and recharge!
Enjoy spectacular sunsets from your bedroom balcony. Smell
the salt air, soak in your en-suite jacuzzi tub or sit by your
in-room fireplace. The Seabreeze is a custom built,
craftsman style guest house over
looking the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf Islands. The house
offers three guest rooms with private en-suite bathrooms, a cozy
den and a large family room.
The Seabreeze is just minutes from historic Steveston Village,
15 minutes from Vancouver International Airport, 20 minutes from
the Tsawwassen Ferry and 30 minutes from Downtown Vancouver.
To book your stay, email
us at reservations@theseabreeze.net
or call Karen at 604-230-4384.
Hope to see you soon!